Samsung Clone J3 Pro Flash File MT6580 All Versone Dead Display Fix Firmware
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Here is the complete guide to install Samsung Clone J3 Plus firmware using USB data cable to USB data socket. Step by step guide. Read the guide and then follow all steps on the given image. If you already downloaded the firmware, please try it out in your device.
Download the Galaxy J3 Pro Version 2.1 LTE Firmware file for the Marshmallow 6.0 Update S9222 for Samsung Clone J3 Plus smartphone. Use the Android File Manager, then click and go to: SDCard/CLOUD/Download/FIRMWARE_CABINET_NAME/. You will find a complete firmware of the Samsung Clone J3 Plus.
Then, download the firmware using the file manager on the phone. From the top level, tap the SDCard, then Tap/click CLOUD, Tap/click Download. From the list of files, select the file, and tap Save.
This will take the file to your phone and you can now check the progress of the file. The file should take some time to download. Once successfully downloaded, you can install the firmware using the guide below. If you need help, Email Us at sameroom. d2c66b5586