Nalimov Tablebases (3 4 5 6) (more Tablebases) Setup ((INSTALL)) Free
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The second situation is more complex. It happens when the endgame position is reached on the board, but the position isn't covered by a tablebase. This could be for two reasons. One is that the position was very simple and the tablebase didn't cover it. Alternatively, the position should have been covered by a tablebase but for some reason the engine missed it. In the first case the engine will have to go back and try to find the position in a tablebase and in the second case the engine needs to be corrected so it won't miss the position in the future.
The second reason is more common. One reason is that the chess engine had been trained on a large number of positions. However, in order to speed up the search the engine made guesses (and it is quite possible that these guesses gave positions that should have been in tablebases but were not). Now the engine needs to be retrained, and this is a time consuming task.
I strongly recommend making the time to take a look at the set of tablebases, and it is always best to have a look at both formats. If you have some computer chess program, it is easy to convert the text files into binary files (e.g. the FCK format). There are also a number of programs available that make use of tablebases, e.g. the SOS-engine. In general, it is not recommended to use tablebases with the engine, but if you do, you should try them out (which is easy).
A variety of tablebases have been distributed via FTP, both in a machine readable format and a human readable format. For the greatest flexibility it is best to get the tables in a machine readable format, so that you can get the tablebases easily into your chess program. The latest set of tablebases is actually distributed as a set of gzipped text files which is human friendly and can be opened in any text editor or even scp'd into your computer to be used in a chess program. The total size of the set is about 300 MB.
The following useful endgame tablebases can be found at Nalimov's site, linked from this page. You will not have to download any other tablebases, but you may want to visit Nalimov's site for general information.
Tablebases are the most powerful and powerful weapon in the chess arsenal, and it is true that the range of positions and the frequency of endgame situations covered by them is huge. I am sure that many chess engines consult tablebases, and they certainly should. But it is also true that it takes a lot of skill to make best use of them. A professional chess engine player, equipped with the right tablebases, should beat a chess engine without tablebases quite easily. However, as we have seen, if you do not understand tablebases well, then it can be a liability. For more information, see: Tablebases defeat your engine by Fischer.
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