How To Download Youtube Videos With Cc
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You can download a Creative Commons video directly from YouTube. All you need to do is login to your YouTube channel, and then right-click on the video you want to download and select Save video as.
Creative Commons videos enable content creators to build a stronger relationship with their audience. With our platform users upload videos in various Creative Commons licenses, including CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, CC-0, and CC-NonCommercial. Using these licenses a user can enable others to republish video content they upload, and they can build a collection of intellectual property based on the standards they choose.
Once you have downloaded a video, you can upload it to your channel through the YT upload page . You'll be asked to enter your API key, referring channel name, video title and description. If you are planning to republish content from someone else, you will be asked to enter their API key so that we can validate you have the correct permissions for that video.
Creative Commons provides a simple and convenient way for content creators to see if they can republish their work on YouTube. If you want to republish your own work, you may be surprised to see that some videos that you uploaded on YouTube has a Creative Commons license assigned to them.
If you are a video creator who wants to republish, you need to contact YouTube to make sure you are allowed to use this license. You must be specific about what type of work you want to republish, the number of work you want to republish, and what the license will say in the videos.
Creative Commons also provides a wiki page to help you understand what Creative Commons license you actually have on your videos and what terms you can or can't use. So, it's very important that you check this page first, before you start uploading videos. 7211a4ac4a